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Ares Page 11

  “As long as you’re certain.” She frowned now and tilted her head. “If you would rather I’m more than happy in Italy. I promise that I am. I just want to be where you are. I want to be where you feel safe.” She shrugged. “I just want to be around you period.”

  “I kind of got that, darling, but for tonight we’ll go to Olympus. I do want you to see the sunrise from there at least once. It’s uniquely beautiful, unlike anything you’ll ever see here on Earth. You’ll be one of the very few humans to ever watch it. Hold tight,” he warned, leaning in to kiss her.

  “Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me twice.” Ava wrapped her arms around him tightly and closed her eyes again. Her cheek to his chest, she sighed and felt when they moved through space, time, whatever it was. She gave him another squeeze, “I can’t wait to see the sun rising, you will make sure we are awake for it?”

  “Absolutely,” he said as they landed on a soft surface and sank in slightly. “We’re here, darling. If you want to grab a shower you can. The towels are in there for you, a toothbrush and a bunch of other stuff that I mostly guessed at but the sales girl said were a must have for any woman.”

  “Awe, thank you.” He went out of his way for her and that melted her heart more than he could know. “I think a shower would be good. If I’m not out in a half hour come join me,” she teased happily. “And thank you,” she added before giving him a kiss and then moving slightly from him. “Now, which way is the bathroom?”

  “Through that arch there,” he pointed just to her right and behind her. “Call if you need me or can’t find anything. Oh, and I should mention, it’s fairly open. No one can see in, again it’s shielded, but it can be startling to someone not expecting it.”

  “Oh boy. Right, gotcha. So if I see someone outside the windows or whatever I shouldn’t scream, right?” She had a lot to get used to it seemed, a great deal to learn about this man and this place. “I trust you,” she said easily.

  “No, if you see some strange person outside you damned well better scream. Not that they could see you, but they also shouldn’t be there. So yeah, you see someone lurking you let one rip and I’ll know I have someone I need to skewer.”

  “Oh. Okay. Well then, right. See someone and scream but don’t worry about it.” She laughed and looked to him. “Half an hour, if I’m not out come and join me,” she added for a second time and before he could reply, took off for the bathroom so she could get her shower and shave in before he joined her. She wanted to be fully smooth for him this time around.

  Half an hour later there was a knock on the shower glass. “You still alive or have you drowned, my darling?” Ares called to her and pressed his face to the glass. “Hello. Ava, you in there? Babe, you have an awful lot of steam going on, what’s up with that?”

  Ava swiped her hand down the glass of the shower and grinned back at him. “I was enjoying a nice wonderfully hot shower but I’ve cooled it down now. Wanna come in and wash my back for me?” She had been shaving. She shaved every inch of hair from her lower body, and underarms of course. She wanted to know what he would think of it and if he would like it or not.

  “Of course I’ll wash your back,” he grinned. He pulled open the door and stepped into the shower with her. “Oh my, what is this?” he turned her to face him and his eyes zeroed in on her bare pussy. “Holy mother of the Gods. You shaved,” he whispered. Then he fell to his knees before her, cupped her ass and hauled her in close to him. “Sweet mother of the Gods, this is amazing, I have to taste you like this.” That was her only warning before his mouth was on her bare mound.

  Ava hadn’t been prepared for this at all. Her hands moved to his head and shoulders when he grabbed her. All she could do was spread her legs for him and lean back on the shower wall. Closing her eyes, she moaned. She shifted when Ares lifted one of her legs and put it over his shoulder and whimpered.

  His tongue slid slowly over her smooth folds, slipping between to find her clitoris. He flicked the tight nub over and over, his hands massaging her ass and pulling her tighter to his mouth. A growl sounded and she could feel the reverberations through her body, but it all settled in her womb creating a heavy and deep throb.

  Ava shuddered at the sensations. The feelings were exquisite. “Yes,” she whimpered. “That feels so good.” She grabbed and held his head to her body. “More.” It was a demand, pure and simple. She loved the feeling of it too much to not give in to the sensations.

  Ares pressed two fingers into her pussy, his mouth on her clit, sucking and tugging. His teeth scraping over the sensitive nub as he pushed her higher. He began to hum, the sound and vibration pouring into her body slowly, making her whole body tighten up.

  “There,” she gasped, the water around them the perfect temperature, his body holding hers and his fingers inside of her. As he pushed her higher, faster, harder she clenched her hands on his head and held on for dear life. When her climax hit its peak she screamed. The sound was muffled by the water and the soft stone of the massive shower. Her hands clenched his hair so tightly she was sure she was going to pull it out.

  He gave a chuckle as he slid his tongue through her moisture. With one last nuzzle to her bare mound he stood and lifted her into his arms. “Mine,” he smiled at her, pressing his cock into her still spasming channel.

  Wrapping her legs around his hips, Ava smiled. “Always,” she agreed fully. “You damn well are mine too,” she demanded as her nails bit into his skin. A shiver rode her whole body as she pressed against the smooth rocks at her back and harder into him.

  With his hands on her thighs he was able to slide his cock into her deep, each thrust reaching to her womb. His mouth was busy licking at the drops of water on her shoulders, chest and breasts, teasing her nipples with small flicks before he moved to another area of her body.

  “Ares, hell yes,” she moaned. “That feels so good.” Ava moved with him, her every movement countering his. Their bodies seemingly made of one as they moved. “So you like me shaved?” she couldn’t help from asking.

  “I love you shaved,” he said in a rough tone. Lifting his head, he stared into her eyes. “I love the feel of your soft, smooth pussy as it wraps around my cock. The way I can feel every flutter of your muscles as I tongue you. Personally, I think you should make it permanent, no more hair on your gorgeous, pink pussy.”

  “Good thing I have a God that loves me huh?” she asked as she moved on him, gasping for air and leaning in closer to him. “I think you should make me hairless from the neck down. Arms, underarms, legs, and most importantly my pussy,” she clenched on him, “Because it feels amazing to me as well.”

  “I can do that if you wish,” he smiled at her. “Remind me when we are in bed together later. After I’ve given you another orgasm and have you screaming in my arms once more. I’ll make your dream a reality and then I will stroke you some more.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll remind you.” She didn’t want the prickly skin when the hair began to grow back if she didn’t have to have it. “For now, I simply want to have you fucking me hard. I need this,” she groaned and tightened her legs around his hips.

  He thrust in harder, her pussy sucking him deep and then trying to hold him as he pulled back out. “I need you,” he said quietly. He caught her lips in a hard kiss, his tongue stroking over hers in a mirror image of his cock stroking into her body.

  Ava needed him as well. She would always need him. She kissed him back, her every motion mimicking his and her pussy milking his cock and squeezing it like a glove. She bit his lower lip, then his tongue and soothed them both with hers. She was feeling frenzied, out of control and so close.

  Another growl sounded and his mouth landed on her neck. His teeth scraped and then bit at the sweet spot between neck and shoulder. He held her to him as he thrust once, twice and then came. The hot jets of his seed splashed into her pussy as he shuddered against her form.

  Ava leaned in and bit his shoulder too. She didn’t think she was a biter,
but here she was. She screamed behind the bite, her whole body convulsing and milking his cock for every single drop of his seed.

  “I’ve got you, babe,” he whispered. Wrapping her in his arms, he hugged her close, his breath panting over her skin. “Gods, I love you, Ava. You blow my mind every time we’re together. I don’t think I’m ever going to get enough of you.”

  “Same boat,” she muttered and held onto him limply, grinning crazily as she did. “God, I love everything about you, Ares, especially how you make me limp as a noodle.” She had been far too uptight for far too long, now he was what she needed in life.

  “I’m glad you realize you need me in your life,” he chuckled. “I definitely need you in mine, Ava. You’ve given me more laughter and joy in the last couple of days than I’ve had in my entire life. You give me this sense of freedom, where I can just be me and not have to put on a pretense for anyone else. I don’t have to hide behind a shield. I don’t have to watch every word out of my mouth. Thank you for that, darling,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her lips.

  “I’m glad. This is what I want. I only want your happiness. I need your happiness,” she said with a smile. “I know you certainly give me peace, happiness, and joy. We are good together. We should be together forever.”

  “And we will be as soon as I figure it out. I have feelers out, but I have to tread very lightly and very carefully. If the wrong people figure out why I’m asking it could cause an issue. I should know more by weeks end and then we can decide what you’d like to do given the information.”

  “I know I've said this a hundred time but there is only thing I want to do and that is spend the rest of eternity with you. It doesn’t matter what it takes. I want this life with you forever. I will never give you up. You are mine, Ares.”

  Smiling he hugged her tight, “And you are mine.” Kissing her gently he eased them under the spray of the shower. “I don’t want to move from where I am. So I’m not going to set you down, I’m just going to keep my cock in your pussy and we’re going to sleep like this tonight.”

  “Then why don’t you flip the water off, dry us and flash us into the bed? I think that would be a very good idea,” she told him happily. “I would love for you to be able to sleep inside of me all night.”

  With a chuckle he did just as she asked, kissing her as he flashed them to the bed. “You should probably be on top though, darling,” he commented, rolling them over. “Otherwise you might end up squashed. Especially since I’m a pretty healthy sized dead weight once I’m asleep.”

  “Don’t worry, I love sleeping on top.” He adjusted them and she laid her head on his chest, thighs on each side of his and sighed happily. “Now pull up the blankets and turn off the light and we will be able to rest. Just make sure we don’t miss the sunrise,” she whispered with a yawn.

  “We won’t, I promised you an Olympian sunrise and I will deliver you an Olympian sunrise.” The blankets slid up and over her body, the lights went out and his arms wrapped around her. “Sweetest dreams, my love.”

  She relaxed right along with him and with a sigh, gave in to sleep. She rested comfortably and happily on top of him.


  Francois Von Maur looked over the files that had been handed to him and he frowned. “And you are certain this is all there is? This was the last place she was seen?” When his man nodded, Francois leaned back in his chair and smiled. “Good. Here is what I want and need for you to do next.” Steepling his hands, he laid out his plans, his desire. He ensured the man knew what he wanted, he wanted that fucking book, which should have been his from the very first moment in time!

  “It’s understood.”

  “Good, make sure that it is. That book is mine. Do not open it. I will know if you try to open it and if you do, I will kill you. No questions, no hesitations. I will kill you. Period.”

  “Understood, sir,” the man whispered and gulped, literally. “I will get it for you and I won’t try to open it. I promise.”

  “Good. Thank you. Until later. You are dismissed,” Francois said while waving the man away with his hand.

  The man turned and left without another word.

  Chapter Nine

  Six months later...

  “Ava, are you ever going to actually move in here with me?” Ares asked her while they sat at the dining table of his Italian home. “You have bits and pieces here and on Olympus, but the majority of your things are still in storage. I think you really need to move in with me, love. You live here with me all the time anyway. We’re together all the time and do everything as a couple. So what’s holding you back, sweetheart?”

  “I,” she started and then stopped. She looked to him and put her fork down. “I love you. You know I’m absolutely over the moon for you but,” she didn’t know how to explain it. “Right now I love what we have, how we are together. It’s just I feel like if I do move in.” She ducked her head and felt herself blush rushing out the words so quickly they were practically on top of each other. “I feel like we will be living in sin.” There, she said it.

  “Uh, darling, we’ve committed nearly every other sin there is and you’re worrying about moving in with me?” He wasn’t laughing at her and he never would thankfully. He was taking her comments seriously. Sitting up, he leaned forward and took her hand. “You know I’m going to figure out how to get you to live with me right. I’ve nearly figured out how to keep you with me forever. Once I do that, I’m going to insist you marry me, you do need to make an honest man of me after all. With all this living in sin we’ve been doing, it’s the least you can do to save my poor, tattered reputation.”

  She reached out and hit him on his arm. “Not even funny.” She was blushing harder. “You know how I feel about marriage. You haven’t asked me, so I kinda figured that you didn’t want to,” she admitted to him very quietly. “I thought you only wanted me for what we have now. I know it’s only a piece of paper, but it means something to me. The vows more than the paper.”

  “Ava,” he slid from his chair and knelt in front of hers. “Of course I want to marry you. It’s important to you so it’s important to me. I just wanted to do it right and was trying to figure that out. I’m a God but I do not know everything there is to know about love. Women are the hardest people ever to figure out. You are way, way too complicated for us simple men folk.”

  “Simple. That’s what I want, something very simple. Not many people, just those that we still consider friends. A priest willing to marry us and we can do it here, at the Vineyard.” It was a beautiful setting after all. “During a sunset on our hill overlooking the Vineyards. What do you think?” But he still hadn’t asked.

  “I think it’s a great idea,” he smiled at her. “And before you deck me again,” Ares rolled his eyes. He pulled something out of his pocket and looked up at her, all-serious. “Ava Von Maur, love of my life, keeper of my heart and soul, will you do me the honor of marrying me? Will you become my wife, my friend, my lover and the keeper of my secrets for the rest of our days until we are taken from this world unto the next?” Then he showed her the ring.

  She looked at the ring and gasped, “Wow.” She was shocked, very shocked. It was perfect. The stone was the color of his eyes, the diamonds surrounding it perfect and pure and the platinum was wonderful, just what she wanted. “Yes.” That was all she could say. Tears clogged her eyes, but she slid into his arms and nodded, “Yes, yes, absolutely yes!”

  Laughing, he hugged her tight. “I’m going to guess that was the right way to do it,” he teased. Pressing kisses to her face, he finally found her lips and kissed her deep. “Do you want to put the ring on now or should I just keep holding it?”

  “Now!” she said with a nod. “Yes please, now.” Holding her shaking hand out to him, she let him slide it on and smiled when she felt it adjusting to her finger. “Making sure I never lose it?” she asked with a grin. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on that happening, but thank you.”

  “Just wan
ted to make sure it was comfortable for you.” Smiling, he kissed her deeply before moving them to his chair. She was draped in his lap and he was holding her tight. “The only thing I won’t help you with for this whole wedding is the dress. That is all for you, darling, you get to pick it out and I will stay away from it all so it’s a surprise.”

  “Don’t worry, the wedding dress is something I want to pick out on my own. I want to be able to surprise you,” she said with a grin. “I think it’s going to be wonderful, but I need time to find the perfect dress and get it fitted and oh Gods, I’m getting ahead of myself. However, I still want a small wedding, okay?”

  “As long as you have the dress, I will find you a priest. We have the location and once we know when we want to have this shindig, we’ll send out invitations to friends, Dion for sure and Apollo. I should invite my uncle too, don’t know if he’ll come but I’m hopeful he might.”

  “I want Dion for sure, especially because he has such amazing eye for dresses. The gown he sent to me for that ball was utterly amazing. He has great taste.” She admitted. “I did like Apollo too, what small time we spent with him.” She grinned and added, “Think he will ever get over that woman telling him to go doodle himself?” Poor guys ego had been hit hard, they all could tell that when he had walked up to a stunning red head and asked her out with the worst pickup line on the face of the planet. After she tossed her water at him, they all watched her pick up her cane and nudge her sight dog to leave. It had been, epic. Poor Apollo with his amazing looks hadn’t been able to pick someone up because he chose the one woman in the pub who was blind.

  “You should take Dion shopping, he’s always had an eye for the fashions and he likes you so he’d do it for you. You may have to promise not to torture him during the trip. Keep it short, do your research ahead of time or even ask what he might think you should get and where.” He looked at her with a smile. “Apollo will bounce back eventually. He doesn’t do rejection well, but he never lets it get him down for long. I do have a feeling we’ll be seeing that redhead again though.”