Ares Page 10
“I don’t, little darling,” he said quietly. “I just hope you don’t regret getting hooked up with a guy that’s been around since before your people even existed.” He wrapped his arm around her and hugged her to him, brushing a kiss to her lips.
“I don’t regret anything with you, Ares. Well, maybe how we started but I think that was to be held against both of us. As for being with you, no way. I don’t regret one single, solitary moment of being right here in your arms, in your life and I’m damn well keeping you.”
“Good,” he smiled kissing her again. Then he let out a decidedly relieved sounding breath. “I worry this is all too much for you. If it ever becomes too overwhelming just say the word and we’ll go somewhere quiet, where you can process.”
“Don’t worry. If it becomes too much I promise I will tell you. I tell you everything anyway so why in heavens name wouldn’t I tell you that I have issues with our being together? And if someone begins to hassle me I swear I’ll let you know.” That was one of her issues, her worry that perhaps one of the other Gods would give her issues.
“No one should hassle you, I hope, but yes, if anyone does, you grab hold of your pendant and mentally scream my name. Trust me, I’ll be there so fast I’ll probably still be half in motion when I arrive. I’ll likely fall on my face but, one can hope not 'cause that’s just embarrassing.”
“Well I seriously doubt you would fall on your face, especially if you knew I was in danger or someone was giving me a hard time. I have a feeling you would come in with guns blazing or something like that,” she said with a grin.
He coughed into his hand and looked to be blushing again. “Yeah or something.” Ares licked his lips and made a face, “Guns were never really my thing, but something would definitely be blazing if you were in any danger at all.”
“Exactly.” Ava knew with Ares as hers and having him loving her as he did she would always be safe. “I love you, too, Ares.” She was repeating herself, but that was neither here nor there. “Now then, what were we going to do before I got us sidetracked?”
“We were going to finish this meal and then decide whether to remain for dessert or hit one of the street carts or cafes instead. Choice is yours, darling,” he told her, letting her loose. Sitting forward, he picked up his fork again and continued to eat.
“I think we should try one of the cafes. I’m thinking they might have the best food available, don’t you?” She honestly wasn’t sure. They were in Spain after all! “I am going to lean on you as to where we should have our dessert at.”
“Well, we could head to Italy and grab some gelato if you’d like. Go and sit at one of the fountains before we head back to the house or, we grab our dessert and I take you up into the hills and we can sit and watch the sun set.”
“I would love to watch the sun setting with you. I think that sounds like the best idea ever. Have a nice thick blanket under us and watch the sun as it dips below the horizon, just the two of us.”
“Done,” he smiled at her. Leaning in he kissed her gently. “Finish your meal and I’ll get the bill so we can leave once you’re finished.” Winking at her, he leaned away and lifted a hand signaling for the waitress before looking back to her again.
Ava continued to eat the spectacular meal before her and sighed with each bite she took. “This is so good. You take such amazing care of me,” she said with a smile and then leaned back when she was finished her meal. “I think I’m done though. If I take another bite I might explode.”
Chuckling, he shrugged, “I’m sure you’ll find room for dessert. We could always stop at the house and help burn off some calories. That way you’ll have lots of room for more goodies or we could just go for a nice long hike up a hill if you prefer.”
“Ha, if we’re burning calories we’re going to do it the fun way, mister, and I mean it.” Ava shot back at him with a grin, “Because burning calories with you is an amazing and wonderful thing.”
“I love burning calories with you too, love,” he smiled. He got up from his chair and handed off the payment to the waitress as she passed by. Holding out a hand to Ava, he pulled her from her chair when she slid her palm to his.
The connection, the rightness of him taking her hand was automatic and she loved it. Taking a deep breath she looked to him and smiled, “Get us out of here, Ares, let's go and watch the sun setting over the fields of our home, shall we?”
Pulling her closer to him he pressed a kiss to her cheek. He led her outside slowly and around a corner. Nudging her a little further into the darkness, he wrapped her up in his arms. “I’m going to pop us into an alley near the very best gelato place in town. We can grab our dessert and then head up the hill.”
“Sounds good to me,” lying her cheek against his chest, she sighed and closed her eyes. “I trust you,” she whispered the words softly to him and meant every word. She did trust him fully, completely and without a shadow of a doubt. He was her everything and she would trust him with her all.
Smiling down at her, he kissed her slowly, gently. The slight change in temperature warned her he’d flashed them. That and when he lifted his head the buildings looked different. “You good?” he asked in that low, husky tone of his.
“Damn that voice of yours,” Ava whispered with a smile. “Incredible.” She looked up at him and nodded, “Yes. I’m perfectly fine. Anytime I can be in your arms I’m great,” she told him happily, “Just FYI for future events.”
“Good to know,” he grinned, dropping another quick kiss on her lips before he pulled back and took her hand. “Come on, you have many choices of gelato to narrow down.” Tucking her close to his side, he led her out of the alleyway and around to the front of the shop. Inside he let her get up close to the counter and look at all the flavors.
She took her time choosing, sampling several first before finally choosing a flavor that made her sigh and close her eyes in bliss. “That one,” she told him. “The Coyote Chocolate one please,” she said with a grin, “Oh and the Amaretto one.”
“Mint lime for me, please,” Ares said shaking his head at her. “At least I know what to bring home on occasion.” He pressed a kiss to her hair before moving to pay for their desserts. “That is of course if this isn’t a passing fling with flavors.”
“Oh no, I don’t think that it is. I really, really like it.” Ava looked up at him and smiled, “So, are you saying you’re glad you brought me here? Maybe you are just trying to find something I like so you can distract me when I’m angry?” she teased.
“Well yeah, what man doesn’t want to find something to soothe his woman when she’s having a bad day?” He’d phrased that rather well. “Plus, having something that you like to surprise you with on occasion is a bonus.”
“Well it’s totally something that I like,” she said with a smile. “So you can surprise me on occasion with it if you would like, especially if you want to suck up. That’s a very, very good way to go,” she assured him with a smile.
“I will remember that,” he said. Reaching out, he took their desserts with a thanks to the man behind the counter. Passing Ava's to her, he waved her toward the door and followed her out. “The suns starting to set. We should head up and find a good spot before it’s too dark to see.”
“Then how about we find a shadow and you move us where we need to be?” she asked with a smile. Ava took a bite of her gelato and sighed. Closing her eyes, she savored the tastes. “And people say ice cream is best. Idiots.”
“That’s because most will never experience a true gelato. The stuff made in the US, unless by a true master, is a pale imitation at best.” He guided her between buildings and into a shadowy doorway. Stepping closer to her, he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Close your eyes for a moment more and we’ll be there.”
Ava wrapped herself close to him and sighed. Closing her eyes, she rested close to him, the beating of his heart reassuring her even as she felt the pressure change when they moved from place to place. “Are we there y
et?” she said with a laugh.
“Cute, but yes we are here,” he said quietly. A quick kiss to her lips and then he was letting her go. “Here, hold my gelato will you please. I’m going to create a blanket and spread it out for us to relax on.”
Taking his gelato she stole a bite, her eyes never leaving his as she did so, almost daring him to say something about her misdeed. “Well go on. Create the blanket, honey, so we can sit and enjoy the setting sun.”
“Quit eating my gelato, woman,” he said. Making a face at her, he shook his head and snapped his fingers. Shaking out the large blanket he created, Ares settled it on the ground. Holding out a hand to her he smiled, “Come on, darling. We have a great view of the ocean and the sun will keep us warm even as it slowly sets.”
“Sounds good to me.” Passing him his gelato, she settled down on the blanket unsurprised when pillows popped up behind them. “You think of everything don’t you, honey?” That was one of the many things she adored about him. He thought of her in every single turn that he made.
“I try,” he shrugged. Leaning back on the pillows, he settled his cup of gelato on his lower chest. “I just want to ensure you are comfortable at all times. If you’re not then I have to figure out why and fix it. It’s part of who I am so I hope you’ll understand that in the years to come.”
"Well, all I can say is that I’m hopeful in the years to come we will learn each other very intimately and know what the other is thinking by the look on our faces." She smiled as she spoke, eating her gelato as she talked to him, "We’ll get to know each other. We’ll also spend a great deal of time loving one another. That, my dear, is what I’m looking forward to."
“The talking or the loving?” he asked with a grin. “Because while I adore talking to you, learning about you and just being with you, the sex is fucking rocking and will only get better with time. As we learn one another we’ll learn more about what each of us wants and needs in our love life.”
That had Ava laughing and she nodded. “I happen to love the sex with you as well. If it’s only going to get better then you better take out some great life insurance on me because if it gets better than this then I will totally die.”
In a move too fast for her eye to track he had their gelato set aside and she was flat on her back with him over her in barely a moment. “Don’t ever say that,” he said softly. The look on his face was completely serious, no joking at all. “I won’t lose you, Ava, it’s not permitted. So please, never say such things even in jest.”
Reaching up, Ava touched his cheek. “I’m sorry, Ares, I was only kidding,” she whispered honestly. “It was a joke, pure and simple. I never want to be away from you. I never want to live in a world without you. I am yours, Ares, from now until the rest of time. I don’t know how we’ll accomplish that but it’s what I want, what I need.”
He hugged her tight, “I’ll find us a way, Ava. Somehow, someway I’ll find us a way to share a life together. One of pleasure, love, laughter and great in length, but no tears, tears are very bad and I don’t do well with them at all.”
“No tears,” she promised him with a smile. “I know you’ll find a way for us to be together for your entire span of life. I have no idea how you’ll do it, but I know that you will. I trust in you that much, Ares.”
A shudder wracked his body and his arms tightened around her. “I love you, Ava, thank you for giving me such trust. You barely know me so I understand what a blessing it is. You’ve given me so much, little one, but this,” he kissed her gently. “This amazes me completely.”
She smiled and shrugged, “Not that hard to trust you. I’ve been fascinated by you for my entire life, I’ve always wanted to know what you were like and now I do.” She shrugged again, her fingers feathering through his hair. “I love you. Now I know there’s no one else out there for me, but you.”
“And you’re it for me, love,” he smiled. Leaning in, he kissed her again, slowly, gently. A moment later he sat up and pulled her with him. “Here you are, love,” he passed over her gelato. Then he settled back down against the pillows, “Oh, sun's setting.”
Settling back against him once more with her head on his chest, they watched the sun slowly set, enjoying the gelato and simply taking in the beauty around them. “Incredible,” she said after a small time. Smiling, she looked to him, her gelato finished and simply enjoying life. “Thank you for this. It’s been an amazing day.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Ava,” he smiled at her. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he took her dish and set it aside along with his own. Settling back, he pulled the blanket up and around them both, his arms wrapping her close to him.
Ava looked up at him and smiled. “Hey,” she whispered teasingly. “So what’s on the agenda now?” her tone was teasing, happiness imbedded in each word she said. “I was thinking that perhaps we should do something like, oh I don’t know, go back to Olympus so we can enjoy some alone time together?”
“We could do that,” he nodded slowly. “But not yet. For now I want to lie here and hold you. Just to enjoy this moment for a little longer. Then we’ll go to the house and do whatever you’d like. All the food and drink is safe for you there, I cleared out all the rest so nothing will harm you.”
“Thank you for that.” Shifting slightly next to him, she asked, “How would the food and drink at your home have hurt me? I don’t understand. Wasn’t it just, well, food and drink?” She didn’t know what the issue was with Gods food and drink.
“For you, a human, it would have been deadly like I stated before. Everything on Olympus contains ambrosia and at certain amounts it can be an aphrodisiac for the Gods. For humans it creates a buzz, a high almost, but only lasts a little while. Then the throat starts to close, the blood pumps faster and death steals over them. Asphyxiation would be the cause noted by any doctor of your world. There is no way to reverse the effects once it’s ingested. That’s why I didn’t want you eating or drinking anything there, but now it’s safe, I cleaned everything out and replaced it with foods and drinks of the human realm.”
Her eyes went wide when he said that and she nodded. “Ambrosia. In the myths Gods turn their lovers into immortals using Ambrosia or something like that, isn’t that right?” she asked with a frown, trying desperately to recall the words of the book.
“In theory it can be used to turn humans, but what it doesn’t say is there’s usually a life or death situation involved. On top of all that, you need the blessing of the God King to do it. Without the blessing of Zeus there are lots of dead mortals.” Ares looked at her and touched her cheek gently. “There are other ways to turn a mortal into an immortal, but it takes a bit of research and from what little I recall, a bit of help from another.”
“Well we have lots of time to think about it and figure it out. For now, I just want to be with you, Ares. I’m perfectly happy simply being in your arms and holding onto you tightly. To me, this is heaven. However, I wouldn’t be opposed to going home with you and making love on your massive bed. I’d be willing to enjoy the amenities that you have as a God and all that.”
“There are a few amenities,” he grinned down at her. “I do like the fact I can strip you and have you in my bed with just a thought. It saves with the awkward struggles to get out of a shirt or bra. The indignity of tripping out of my pants and falling on my face.”
“Yeah, that’s true. I like that part a lot. I wish I could do it to you too but when I ask nicely you are more than willing to do it for me,” she said with an eager smile. “It makes me all kinds of happy that you are as eager as I am to get naked too by the way.”
“I’d walk around in the buff all the time, but apparently it upsets people. Personally, I don’t understand why. I guess I am likely showing up most males on the planet by being just so damned impressive.” His smile was teasingly, he was poking fun at himself and everyone else all at the same time.
That had her grinning, “Well you are rather impressive, but I’m all for you walking
around in the buff all the time. As long as we are home and no one else can see you that is. I would even walk around naked there. In fact I like that idea.”
“Then let's do that, when we are alone and in our own home. At least at either of my places we don’t need to worry about neighbors trying to sneak a peek. I have no one living close enough to bother with such things.”
“I think that sounds like a good idea. I like being able to spend time together without anyone seeing us. Yep, I like this idea a lot. Sunbathing without suits so we don’t have tan lines. I think you have very good ideas, Ares.”
“Who said I’d ever let you out to tan?” he smirked. Then, dropping a kiss to her nose, he held her tighter for a moment. “I think we should head home. You’re starting to look a little tired, love. I think I might have worn you out a bit today with our adventures and globe trotting.”
“I think you might have,” Ava agreed and laid her head on his chest once more. “You would let me tan,” she said with confidence, “Not burn, but tan a nice lovely golden color. I think I would look good with a head to toe tan, don’t you?”
“If you look any better than you do now, I will likely pass out from it, but yes, I’d never let you burn. I would never let you suffer the agony of a sunburn, but you know that so,” he sighed. “Alright, we’ll worry about all that tomorrow. So, Olympus or Italy tonight?”
“I think tonight Olympus so you can really sleep.” She looked up at him and smiled, “I have a feeling you and all your brethren sleep better in your God homes than your Earth bound homes, or am I wrong about that?” Either place was amazing, but she wanted to be where he felt most comfortable, because she would feel more comfortable as well.
“I never truly let my guard down in either place but, I suppose the warding is better on Olympus. The power of the other Gods feed the shields. So yes, we’ll spend tonight there, but only tonight. I tend to get too tense when I’m there too long. At least here on Earth I can relax without worry of one of my backstabbing siblings coming after me.”