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Ares Page 7
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Page 7
Ares dropped down next to her and lifted a brow. “Yeah?” he asked with a grin. “You should tell me more about this guy. I need to know whether I puff up my chest in pride or rip out some poor sucker's throat and dance on his entrails.”
“Well he’s got these eyes that I just want to swim in. They are lethal, truly they are but when he looks at me, I don’t see the predator that he can be. Instead, I see the man that he is on the inside. He’s tall with a dark complexion and dark hair. He has this laugh that’s like whiskey and cigars. He’s spectacular and he can dance like a dream.”
He burst out with a laugh, “I don’t know about most of that but the last bit, not so much. I know I’m less than spectacular on the dance floor. I am relatively competent but really, avoiding toes is pretty much as far as it stretches.” Ares pulled her into his lap and hugged her close, pressing kisses over her cheek and neck. “I adore you, Ava, I want to have you in my life as long as you’ll allow me to be there.”
“Good. Then I think you and I are going to be spending a great deal of time together. In fact I’m going to demand it. I adore you and I want as much time with you as I can get. It doesn’t matter what we are doing, as long as we are doing it together, deal?”
“Then stay with me,” he told her quietly. “At my place I mean. It’s big enough that we can have space if we need or want it. It will also allow us to see where this might be going. If you want to that is. I don’t want to push you into anything of course, but the option is there.”
“Are you sure about that? My moving in with you so fast would be a big deal, wouldn’t it? Not that I’m saying no, because I’m not, but how would the others... where you live... feel about the sudden slum craze that I would bring about?” she being human and all.
“Who cares?” he frowned at her. “If you don’t want to stay there we can live in my Earthbound home. It’s not nearly as fancy as the place on Olympus but I quite like it. It’s in Italy on the coast, the beach is close, the weather is warm and beautiful. It’s on a vineyard and we have a couple pretty good wines that come of it each year.”
That had Ava smiling. “I think I would like to see that home as well.” She moved so she was closer to him, his scent and strength wrapping around her. “And where do you feel safest? Which home would be the one you would choose, Ares?”
“I like the house in Italy, its warm and inviting. I have the same protections there as I do on Olympus so it’s equally safe. As long as there aren’t any earthquakes of course,” he smiled. Cupping her face, he tipped her back and kissed her gently. “We can go back and forth between the two, Ava. Nothing says we need to live in only one place.”
“I think I like that idea a lot. That way we don’t have to stop our wandering over the lands and we can enjoy ourselves as much as we want. We will always have a place to call home, no matter where we are, right?”
“Absolutely,” he smiled. “And no need for a passport ever again. When traveling 'Greek Gods Air' you get where you need to go with a minimum of fuss.” He kissed her once more before sitting her upright again. “Let’s eat before everything gets chilled or, in some cases, warm and icky.”
“Sounds good.” She reached for the first plate of cheeses, inhaling the scents of the various slices and felt her belly grumble. “These smell so good. I hope the goat is good too or else you are going to be popping me some KFC in,” she teased.
“It’s good,” he said rolling his eyes at her. He moved her onto the blanket and began to pull everything out of the bags. He dug out the wine and pulled the cork with a flick of his wrist. Another flick of his wrist brought two wine glasses into his hand and he poured. “Here you are,” he passed her one as he set the bottle to the side.
“You are good,” Ava said with delighted glee. “I happen to adore that about you. You’re smooth and you make me smile. Those are both very good things in my humble opinion,” she said happily. “For now though, we should toast. What do you want to toast to Ares?”
He frowned and chewed on his lip for a moment before looking to her. Smiling, he shrugged, “It has been said the universe works in mysterious ways. I can truly attest to this. If it didn’t, I may not have been where I was when I ran into you. To the universe and all the machinations behind the scenes that put us where we are meant to be, and to us. I am truly blessed to have met you, Ava Von Maur,” he said softly.
That had Ava smiling. She couldn’t agree more. She felt the exact same way. “I agree fully and completely. If not for how the universe worked we may never have met one another. I am very, very thankful to have met you,” she said softly. “So whatever it is that led you into my path and me into yours, I am very happy.” She tapped her glass to his and simply smiled happily.
“Cheers,” he tipped his glass slightly. Lifting it, he took a slow drink and watched her over the rim. Setting his glass aside, he flicked his wrist again and got plates, napkins, and cutlery. “Alright, time to eat.” Handing over a plate and utensils, Ares pulled off lids and spread everything out so they could both reach the dishes.
She looked at the food in question after taking a sip of her wine and nodded, “It looks utterly delicious. I really hope it tastes just as good.” She was worried the goat wouldn’t be nearly as good as what he was making it out to be. She was very hopeful that it was though.
He rolled his eyes at her and reached for the container of goat. He stuck in his fork and then held it out to her, a bite-sized piece on the tines. “Try it, and if you hate it, I will happily eat it all myself. This is really good, it will melt in your mouth and while it’s spicy, it won’t take your head off. I got some rice and sauce to go with it.”
She looked at the fork he held out and opened her mouth, “Come on,” she said with a grin. “Give me a bite if you would please.” She grinned happily as she asked for the bite from him. “From you though, only you, please.”
“You’d better not be eating from any other man’s fork.” He grinned and moved the morsel into her mouth. “Bite,” he ordered. Ares pulled back and then sat watching her as she slowly chewed. “Well, is it as good as I said it was?”
She took her time and then finally licked her lips. “Very good,” she watched him and licked her lips again. “That’s very good. Don’t worry, yours is the only fork I will eat off. You are the one that I want. No one else but you.” She leaned in closer to him and touched her hands to his. “Perfect. Thank you for suggesting this instead of lamb.”
“You are most welcome,” he smiled. He grabbed up another container that revealed rice when he pulled the lid off. He began to plate up the food and even gave her some naan to go with it all. “Here you go,” he handed her a plate. “Eat up, darling, we have a very long wall to walk.”
She took the bites he offered her, there was something purely erotic about letting him feed her. “I’m enjoying you feeding me, Ares. I like it a lot.” She wanted to be able to enjoy this as much as possible. It was so perfect and so right.
Ares shuffled in closer to her with a grin and shrugged. “I just like the way your lips wrap around the fork as you watch me. The flick of your tongue that second before you close your lips. The way you savor the food, rolling it over your tongue. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’ve got a bit of an oral fixation where you are concerned.”
“Yeah, you aren’t the only one,” she said with a grin. “I happen to have one with you as well. I’m really enjoying it.” She licked her lips and leaned in to him. “I suggest you kiss me anytime you start to fixate on my mouth.”
“At that rate you’ll never breathe again,” he informed her with a chuckle. “I happen to focus on your mouth a lot, darling.” Leaning into her, he kissed her, something clattered and his hands were on her face to hold her still. He sucked on her tongue, teasing her slowly and with true dedication.
Moving closer to him, Ava climbed into his lap and wrapped her hands around his neck. She pulled him closer, need consuming her. No hesitation, no pausing, she rubbed her
body against his and demanded more.
Growling, he wrapped her up close and turned their bodies, laying them on the blanket. His weight settled between her legs, his jean-clad cock, rubbing against her. “Gods, woman,” he whispered as he pulled up for a breath. Then he attacked her mouth again.
“So good,” she moaned. “I think you should get rid of the food and our clothes. I want you.” She felt her body readying for him, she wrapped her legs tighter around his hips and rubbed hard against the heavy erection he was sporting.
“I don’t want to rush into anything, Ava,” he whispered against her lips. “I want you desperately but our first time shouldn’t be in front of a family of four on their first holiday and most definitely not on the ground. I want you in my bed, where we can laze for days and I can touch you, kiss you, and bury my face in your sweet pussy until you scream for mercy.”
“Crap, good point,” she whispered. “No way we can flash out of here is there? I want to go home to your bed now. I want to be able to be with you. I’m not rushing, it’s meant to be. You know as well as I do,” she whispered softly.
“No, we can’t flash out just yet,” he said quietly. “We’ve attracted a bit of attention so we should probably sit, eat and when it cools off, we’ll duck out of here, but I still don’t want to rush you, Ava. We'll only make love if it’s what you truly want. I’m possessive and I don’t just run around screwing everything with legs and breasts. You are important to me, sweetheart, and I want this to be perfect.”
“And you are important to me as well,” she said softly. “You mean more to me than I can possibly tell you. I’ve never, ever felt this way before about anyone. You do mean a great deal to me. All right, we should sit, we should eat, and then later maybe we will go and finish what was started.”
“Maybe,” he grinned down at her. He looked around again, heaving a deep sigh, and moved off her. Holding out his hands, he pulled her up to a sitting position. Then he passed her the plate he’d been feeding her from. “Eat up so you have energy to burn should it be necessary.”
“Yes, this sounds like a solid plan.” She licked her lips and grinned, “Burning energy is a very good thing. A very good thing indeed,” she added happily. Licking her lips, she all but moaned. “Right. Food.” So they didn’t draw too much attention to themselves. “This means I should feed myself, otherwise I’m going to attack you again.”
“You probably should,” his voice had dropped an octave. “Slowly, so you can enjoy the flavors and I can enjoy watching you eat, but not too slowly, I don’t want to sit here for any longer than necessary with the erection I currently have.”
“And I don’t want to sit here knowing you have it for any longer than necessary.” She took another bite, savoring the tastes and the textures. Sighing happily, she winked at him. “I think we should be packing up our food soon, you know, in case it rains or something? Can you do that?”
“I could send us, as is, to one house or the other with a thought. Packing up is unnecessary, but I can pack up so we’re ready for a quick getaway since it appears we’re losing some of the looky-loos we had with us a little while ago. Just a few are still pausing to look our way,” he said. “I think there are some college guys checking you out, darling.”
“Hardly,” Ava rolled her eyes and leaned in closer to Ares, “I really think the moment the coast is clear we should hightail it. Just my opinion but, I really believe we need to get out of here as soon as possible please.”
“And we will, but I’m also not kidding. Those guys are checking you out, Ava. They are,” he paused. When she looked at him his eyes were narrowed and it was like a black cloud had fallen over his face. “I’ll kill them,” he growled. His words vibrated through her on a level that had her fight or flight instinct kicking in.
Ava reached out and put her hand on his cheek. “Hey,” she whispered with a smile, “How about you just focus on me. Maybe you could do something that would make people scatter but not draw attention to us? That way we can get out of here and no one would ever be the wiser. I love that idea, don’t you?”
“No one would approve of what my first thought is,” he growled. His eyes finally flicked over to meet her gaze. “I should make their lives miserable for their thoughts about you.” Ares was vibrating with anger, a fact that appeared to be reflected in the changing weather. What had been a lovely day was turning cool, a breeze kicking up, and clouds rolling in.
Ava scooted closer to him, her hand stroked over his cheek and then she climbed into his lap. She didn’t give a damn who saw her. Wrapping her arms around him she whispered against his ear. “And yet I only see you. I think I’ve been waiting my entire life for you, Ares, rein it in, please?”
He let out a low, vicious growl. His arms wrapped around her and hugged her close. His next move was to bury his face in her neck and he sucked in a deep, slow breath. The weather began to ease, the clouds rolling through slowly and dissipating, the wind slowing to a gentle caress. “Are you alright?” he asked softly.
Rubbing her cheek to his, Ava smiled, “I am perfectly fine, Ares.” She hadn’t felt the storm at all. He had ensured that she wouldn’t be affected by it in the least. Pulling back, she looked to him and smiled. “See, aren’t you feeling better already?” She was just by being in his lap. Being close to him was enough to put her at complete ease.”
“A little,” he grumbled in a disgruntled tone. Oh, he didn’t sound happy. Well, not completely, but at least he wasn’t looking murderous any longer. “I’d feel even better if you gave me a kiss. Just a little one, get my mind further off the disgusting acts of absolute degradation I saw in those very nearly deceased assholes’ heads.”
“I’m always willing and able to give you a kiss.” Ava didn’t hesitate. Leaning in, she brushed her lips to his and then shivered in reaction. Moving slightly, she wrapped her arms around his neck, legs around his hips and really got into the kiss.
He growled again, this one didn’t sound nearly as angry, more needful than anything else. One moment she was devouring him and then he’d turned the tables. His tongue thrust in deep, his hands holding her to him tightly. When he drew back to suck in air they were no longer near the Great Wall, but in a room with a view of the ocean.
When Ava pulled back from him, she was panting. “Another kiss like that and we should be naked, on the bed,” she whispered softly. “I really think it's where the next kiss should take us. What do you say?” She didn’t notice the beauty of the room, the soft scents, the gentle sounds, instead she just saw him. She heard him, felt him, needed him.
Ares took her hand in his and led it down her side. He squeezed her fingers around something soft. “We are on a bed, darling,” he said with a smile. “I got us out of there before I lost my cool again with those idiots.”
That had her grinning, “Well it’s a good thing you knew just where I needed and wanted to be, huh?” Ava moved her hand back to his cheek and let her thumb stroke over his lip. “I adore your lips and I could drown in your eyes. It’s not because you are, well a God, but because I see inside of you, the good that you hide. Well, good for me at least. I hold no illusions that you could destroy in a moment, but I can see there is something more there, if only for me. That’s something I don’t think I ever want to be rid of.”
“For you I’d likely do anything and everything I could just to see you smile, but I also will not tolerate anyone disrespecting you in any form,” he said in a low tone. There was fire in his eyes and his words were said in a tight tone. Ares cupped her face and stared at her, “I’m not always as gentle as you’d like to believe, Ava. I have one hell of a nasty temper and the power to do something about what pisses me off. Are you really sure you want to be with me? Because if you say yes now, I don’t plan on letting you go, ever.”
“Yes. Because I know you aren’t always gentle but I also know, without question, that you would never, ever hurt me. I don’t know why or how I know, but I know it as truth in my very
soul. You are mine. I think I was born to be yours. We both know I would never, ever hurt you. Not because of lack of power but because of what I’m feeling already. You can look inside and feel it in me, right?” she asked softly.
“I can, but I’m trying not to go into your head. Since you can’t access mine, yet, it feels wrong digging around in yours. When you project it’s entirely different, you practically throw your thoughts at me then, but I also understand what you mean, so there’s no need. I will always do my best to never hurt you. Physically, I couldn’t do such a thing to the best person in my life. Mentally, well, I’m an ass and male so I’m likely to do or say something eventually that you’ll need to kick me in the nuts for I’m sure.”
That had her grinning, “Remember we talk things through from now on. I honestly hadn’t meant to hurt you when we first met so please from now on, we talk. That’s my one stipulation, well, one of my stipulations. I’m sure I will come up with more as we go along. Just please, always talk to me? If I say something you aren’t sure of or that hurts you, please tell me? I will do the same for you.”
“Deal,” he said softly. Leaning in, he kissed her gently. “Now, since I’ve gotten my hormones under some semblance of control. Would you like to look around the house? We’re in Italy in case that hasn’t quite clicked in your head just yet.”
“Actually I would very much like to be able to spend some with you looking around the house, but do you think we should explore now, or should we take care of those wants and needs you and I are both feeling at this moment?” She knew she was still wet and needy and he was obviously still hard.
“I think we have all the time in the world, Ava. Let’s look around first and then you can decide just where it is I strip you naked, lay you out, and lick you until you orgasm.” His lips quirked up in a quick smirk.